ARISE Project:
Final testing week
Following on from our previous ARISE 2 project blog post… We’re now back on the surface after a final week of testing the ARISE 2 robots down in the mine. Upon arrival at the mine, we had a safety induction and a brief orientation tour of the mine. Enabling us to both get our bearings and also work out which areas of the mine were most suitable for the tests to be carried out.
The team then deployed April tags, a visual fiducial system, in those areas of the mine. The April tags are used by the robots to aid in 3D positioning, working even in low visibility conditions, allowing for autonomous movement around the mine.
Both Bunker robots #1 and #3 were then used to perform repeated mapping of the mine using FAST-LIO. This was performed in multiple directions and at varying speeds. All of these results could then be compared, at a later date, to mappings of the mine that had previously been performed by mine staff using other equipment.
Some images from the testing week can be found below. There will be a further update in a few weeks with some more details of the results attained and the conclusion of the project.