In this tutorial, LogicTronix will go through “creating DPU TRD for Kria KR260 board” with Vitis AI 3.0 and 2022.2 tools. In Vitis AI 3.0 there is DPU IP V4.1 and the same version of DPU IP will be used in Vitis AI 3.5 (as there is no DPU IP update for MPSoC).
The original LogicTronix project can be found on
Hardware components:
AMD Kria™ KR260 Robotics Starter Kit
Software apps and online services:
AMD Vitis Unified Software Platform

- Install Vitis/VIVADO 2022.2 and Petalinux 2022.2
- Download Vitis AI(3.0) DPU TRD files: DPUCZDX8G_VAI_v3.0.tar.gz
- Download Petalinux 2022.2 BSP for KR260
- Linux/Ubuntu PC with 20.04 LTS (preferred also for VIVADO/Vitis and Petalinux 2022.2 tools).
Fullscreen Mode
Sundance is excited to have added IP Core products from LogicTronix to our store, with more of their products to be added soon.
LogicTronix is an FPGA Design and Machine Learning Company. They are an AMD Certified Partner and Design Service Partner for AMD Kria SoM FPGA for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
They provide 25+ IP Cores on Computer Vision, Crypto-graphic Hashing, HFT and AI/ML. LogicTronix provides Machine Learning Accelerated Solutions and Design Services over Edge and Cloud with FPGA/GPU.
The Solutions and Services are targeted for Surveillance , Security , Video Analytics, Automotive and Finance.