PAL USB – 360° 3D Vision System

PAL USB is the only single-sensor, omnidirectional vision system with a maximum resolution of 5280×1819 @10 FPS per image.
This device provides stereoscopic sensing of 360° horizontally and 110° vertically.
The maximum frame rate available is 100 FPS @660×227 stereo image resolution.

PAL USB has real-time 360° depth perception with a range accuracy of 10 cm RMS @500cm range with 150 cm mounting height.
This product provides an unparalleled field of view at a range resolution of 0.3cm @200cm range at a 150 cm mounting height with a minimum range of 0cm.
PAL USB can operate using 10x less power of just 5V +/-0.25V with a maximum power consumption of 3.04W.
This device can operate from -30° C to +55° C.

PAL USB has an IP rating of IP67 and is compatible with USB 3.0.
It runs on Windows 10, Jetpack 4.4+ and Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04 & 20.04 with OpenCV 3.4.4 & ROS Melodic library dependencies.
Our device is certified with CE, RoHS, FCC, VCCI & UL.
Full DreamVu product range available now on the Sundance store
PAL Mini
PAL Mini is the world’s smallest omnidirectional 3D vision system to provide up to 360° stereo perception with the industry’s widest vertical views.
PAL USB is the only single sensor, omnidirectional 3D vision system to provide up to 360° stereo perception with the industry’s widest vertical views up to 110°.
PAL Ethernet
PAL Ethernet is the only single sensor, omnidirectional vision system to provide 360° stereoscopic sensing with embedded processor for edge AI.