FC100 – IEEE-754 FFT / IFFT Floating Point core for FPGA

fc100Sundance’s new off-the-shelf IEEE-754 FFT / IFFT Floating Point core is the most efficient available in the FPGA world. Designed for high performance programmable devices from Xilinx, this FFT core performs long transforms ranging from 32 points to 64M points with external memory connected to the FPGA, such as ZBT SRAM, QDR2 SRAM or DDR2 SDRAM. Its architecture allows the user to change the transform length on the fly without having to reconfigure the programmable device, which makes it a very flexible component for systems with complex algorithms. Based on a radix-2 architecture, it also saves memory resources compared to other floating point cores available on the market.

The Sundance FPGA IP cores are designed by a selection of high quality suppliers who set the industry benchmark. Apply today to become one.

Data formats

  • IEEE-754
  • 24-bit mantissa, 8-bit exponent, 2’scomplement
  • 14-bit mantissa, 8-bit exponent, 2’scomplement
  • Specific data format upon request.

Target devices

Xilinx Virtex-II, Virtex-II Pro, Virtex-4, Spartan-3, Virtex-5.

Device resources usage and Fmax

Device Slices Multipliers/DSP48(E) Block RAMs Fmax
XC5VLX50T -3
6220 40 36 240.7 MHz
XC4VLX40 -12
12394 40 36 200.2 MHz
Virtex-II Pro
XC2VP40 -7
12293 40 36 175 MHz
12835 40 36 105.3 MHz

Table 1: Device resources usage and Fmax

FFT/IFFT transform size Processing time Sustained throughput
256 3.68µs 69.6
512 6.24µs 82.1
1024 11.4µs 90.1
2048 31.8µs 64.3
4096 61.4µs 66.7
8192 123µs 66.7
16384 246µs 66.7
32768 492µs 66.7
65536 1.31ms 50.0
131072 2.62ms 50.0
262144 5.24ms 50.0
524288 10.5ms 50.0
1048576 21ms 50.0

Table 2: FFT execution time

Device resources usage and Fmax (pipelined FFT core)

Device FFT length Slices Multipliers/DSP48(E) Block RAMs Fmax
XC5VLX110T -3
8192 36592 44 61 250 MHz
XC4VLX110T -3
1024 27403 32 19 250 MHz
XC5VSX95T -2
16384 27799 256 109 200 MHz
XC5VSX50T -3
1024 20562 176 19 250 MHz
XC4VSX55 -12
1024 21585 352 26 250 MHz

Table 3: Device resources usage and Fmax (pipelined FFT IP core)

The following graph displays the Signal to Noise Ratio of a Fast Fourier Transform performed over a 1024 points random vector with a 24-bit wide mantissa and 8-bit wide exponent. The software Discrete Fourier Transform was calculated using the FFTw functions.

A fully functional VHDL testbench and MATLABtm functions are delivered along the FFT/IFFT core for simulation purposes and specific performance characterization.

FC100 DVIP Press Release

FC100_User Manual

FC100_user manual