DotNetix SAFEYE – Artificial Intelligence Collision Prevention System
DotNetix is pioneering the development of Artificial Intelligence Collision Prevention Systems for mining and construction machines and industrial vehicles. Through our commitment to the development of safety systems, we improve the safety of pedestrians and workers in their working environments.
SAFEYE is the first long-range intelligent machine vision system for mining and construction machines and industrial vehicles. It can distinguish between pedestrians and machinery while providing adequate warning to machine operators in the event that people are in close proximity to the machine or in its blind spots.
SAFEYE reduces the risk of accidents between pedestrians, machines and vehicles by detecting risks around the machine and warning the operator.
The cost of an accident to any business is severe. DotNetix’s pedestrian, vehicle and machine detection and warning system reduces risks where machines, vehicles and pedestrians interact. The SAFEYE system drastically reduces the risk of fatalities and injuries on any industrial site, whether in mining and construction machines, logistics or for other industrial vehicles.
DotNetix is the leading provider of advanced Deep Learning Technologies and Products. We offer scalable solutions for companies that require new methods and technologies to solve industrial safety problems.
Our Deep Learning Technology in SAFEYE has improved performance on detection accuracy and reliability. This is crucial for industrial applications where the quality of detections and the low false alert rate is required in a cost-effective solution.

No RFID carried pedestrian tag is required, reducing cost.
Low light sensitive camera with a wide field of view.
Ultra-rugged design for tough environments.
Improved operator awareness.
Improves safety around mining and construction machines, and industrial vehicles.
Multiple camera configurations and options for any type of machine and vehicle installation.
Customisable detection zones and three distance configuration zones.
Compliance to SA DMR regulation 8.8(2)(d), 20.9.2, 20.9.1, 8.8(2)(c), Section 10 MHSA.
Accurate pedestrian detection.
Accurate machine and vehicle detections including ADTs, Rigid Dump Trucks, Excavators, Dozers etc.
Suitable for surface and underground applications.
60 hours of video recording and event log.
Remote access and configuration through CLEARVIEW.
Video monitoring via CLEARVIEW.
Void and berm detection with warning included.
CLEARVIEW offers remote tracking and near-miss monitoring.