The SMT166 is an SLB Platform designed around two Xilinx LXT Virtex-6 FPGAs. It can receive up to 4 SLB mezzanine modules and one TIM or SLB base module. The SMT166 shows a symmetrical architecture in order to suit needs for 2n and scalable systems.
Each FPGA is responsible for routing data to/from half of the SLB connections on the board. They are to have a passive role but could also receive a PowerPC or Microblaze core for extra or local control. Connections (parallel and serial) between FPGAs are available for inter FPGA communications.
Each FPGA is coupled with 2 banks of DDR3 memory, 32-bit wide and able to store up to 256 Mbytes of data (per bank) at a maximum rate of 4.2 Gbytes/s.